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[New Development]

Cala Blanca


Arquitectura y diseño comercial urbano


Conceptos e ideas de arquitectura exitosos


Sustentabilidad. Utilidad. Visibilidad.


Healthy Housing With Minimun Energy Use.


Passivhaus architectural studio is specialised in the design and construction of passive housing.

Our projects are distinguished for achieving the best architectural design by optimising the resources in order to achieve maximum energy efficiency.

We achieve indoor areas with pleasant humidity, temperature and motion conditions adequate to the activity developed there by means of the right specification and use of materials and installations.

We make the most of natural lighting and we take it indoors in order to improve warmth and comfort. We include energy-efficient technical and decorative lighting systems aimed at saving energy.

A proper insulation specification allows to moderate the transmission of noise coming from outside, from other neighbours or from other rooms of the house and contributes to interior comfort.

We improve the indoor air quality of every room of the house in order to enjoy both comfort and a healthy environment.  

We use materials with optimum characteristics in order to comply with Passivhaus architectural requirements. Our envelopes are thoroughly planned and checked to achieve both minimum energy use and maximum saving and interior comfort.

We do not only aim at energy efficiency, but at all other potential fronts by using resources from nature. We collect rainwater and store it for reusing it by means of a good collection system. 

We make the most of natural lighting and we take it indoors in order to improve warmth and comfort. We include energy-efficient technical and decorative lighting systems aimed at saving energy.

A proper insulation specification allows to moderate the transmission of noise coming from outside, from other neighbours or from other rooms of the house and contributes to interior comfort.

We improve the indoor air quality of every room of the house in order to enjoy both comfort and a healthy environment.  

We use materials with optimum characteristics in order to comply with Passivhaus architectural requirements. Our envelopes are thoroughly planned and checked to achieve both minimum energy use and maximum saving and interior comfort.

We achieve indoor areas with pleasant humidity, temperature and motion conditions adequate to the activity developed there by means of the right specification and use of materials and installations.

We do not only aim at energy efficiency, but at all other potential fronts by using resources from nature. We collect rainwater and store it for reusing it by means of a good collection system. 




We take on the comprehensive management of the architecture technical project, the administrative procedures, the sales management and the coordination tasks during the construction phase.

Residential Buildings

We design and construct by optimising the available resources in order to achieve maximum energy efficiency, comfort and quality.

Single-family Dwellings

We are experts in designing and constructing highly energy efficient dwellings aimed at achieving maximum comfort with minimum energy use.

Energy Efficiency Upgrades

We optimise the building’s energy use and reduce energy costs. We also improve buildings and commercial premises sustainability and efficiency.

Renovations & Interior Design

We design with the aim of renovating existing spaces in order to improve their functionality and always taking into account each client’s budget requirements.

Comprehensive Project Management

We take on the overall management of all technical and administrative matters. We recruit, coordinate and manage the industrial workers working for the project.


Passivhaus Design

The Passivhaus architecture standard is an energy-efficient construction type aimed at reducing energy demand while achieving a high level of interior comfort.

This is grounded in five principles: high thermal insulation, high-performance windows, heat recovery ventilation system, elimination of thermal bridges and airtightness control.

Passivhaus Designer
los 5 principios passivhaus

We Help You To Live Better

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Intricate projects
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years of experience
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people in the team
[ %]
A-certified dwellings


Sergi Gargallo

Sergi Gargallo

Passivhaus Designer
Founder & CEO
Laia Codina

Laia Codina

Project Leader
Passivhaus Desginer
Ricardo Montoya

Ricardo Montoya

Project Leader
Passivhaus Desginer
Javi Sanz

Javi Sanz

Passivhaus Expert
Santi Sellares

Santi Sellares

Technical Architect
Passivhaus Tradesperson
Construct Manager
Montse Bosch

Montse Bosch

Technical Architect
Quantity Surveyor
Passivhaus Tradeperson
Karina Guerrero

Karina Guerrero

Irene Molina

Irene Molina

Mykhaylo Tsidylo

Mykhaylo Tsidylo

Diego Cruz

Diego Cruz

Meritxell Godayol

Meritxell Godayol

Sergio Serrano

Sergio Serrano

Joan Mayor

Joan Mayor

Dolors Lopez

Dolors Lopez

Graphic Designer
Aranza Palomo

Aranza Palomo

Passivhaus Designer
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