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Residential buildings

Our studio specialises in high energy-efficient building construction. This is why we optimise the available resources in order to achieve the best final outcome for our projects.

To this end, eliminating thermal bridges, controlling the envelope’s airtightness or installing high-performance doors and windows are some of the steps we take into consideration.


Because we add value to the final product by constructing nearly zero-energy buildings. Thus, you can enjoy a high energy-efficient home while contributing to reduce the environmental impact.


  • We apply an excellent thermal insulation on the building in order to get the best protection against bad weather conditions
  • We install high-performance doors and windows
  • We eliminate thermal bridges in order to prevent air infiltrations
  • We recover the heat from the building and control the indoor air renewal
  • We control the envelope’s airtightness
  • We study the building’s design, construction and maintenance through BIM technology
  • We view the building using photorealistic virtual images

If you are still hesitant about choosing us for this service, here you will find some of the projects carried out by our architecture studio.

At SgArq, we love pay attention to detail in each of them. Besides, we seek to meet all our client’s needs, with special emphasis on achieving nearly zero-energy and maximum comfort buildings. 

Click on the images to get more details.

Information Request: Residential Buildings
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