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Renovations & interior design

Renovating a dwelling or premise may allow us to improve the existing living conditions, enhance the building’s design and functionality or tailor it to new needs.


Renovating spaces, tailoring them to each user, enhancing their functionality and achieving maximum energy savings are the goals for every project to be carried out.

  • Optimising spaces, materials and lighting according to each user’s needs
  • Viewing changes to be made using virtual images of the final space
  • Adjusting budgets to each client’s requirement prior to the commencement of works
  • Reducing energy use

If you are still hesitant about choosing us for this service, here you will find some of the projects carried out by our architecture studio.

At SgArq, we love pay attention to detail in each of them. Besides, we seek to meet all our client’s needs, with special emphasis on achieving nearly zero-energy and maximum comfort buildings. 

Click on the images to get more details.

Information Request: Renovations & Interior Design
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