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Energy upgrade

A building’s energy upgrade is the best opportunity to make it more sustainable and energy efficient. The saving potential will depend on the building’s energy loss and the existing installations efficiency.

A good upgrade will allow you to prevent moisture condensation and dampness, as well as many other benefits.


One of the main goals of every upgrade means improving voids, roof decks, walls or floors insulation, as well as renovating thermal and lighting installations.

  • Reducing energy demand by improving insulation and preventing energy loss.
  • Improving thermal comfort inside the dwelling.
  • Preventing moisture condensation and dampness.
  • Reducing energy use for heating, cooling, hot water production and lighting.

Energy efficiency helps to reduce the building maintenance costs. SgARQ provides energy upgrades as a solution for buildings or dwellings seeking to reduce use.

If you are still hesitant about choosing us for this service, here you will find some of the projects carried out by our architecture studio.

At SgArq, we love pay attention to detail in each of them. Besides, we seek to meet all our client’s needs, with special emphasis on achieving nearly zero-energy and maximum comfort buildings. 

Click on the images to get more details.

Information Request: Energy Upgrade
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