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Well, the certification aimed at caring about the building users’ health and wellbeing

Spending most than 90% of our time indoors, the spaces we live, work and relax in impact on our health, wellbeing and productivity to a great extent. WELL is the first certification exclusively focused on users’ health and confort.

It puts human beings in the centre of the design process.

This why is so important the value it provides to residential buildings, hotels and, obviously, office buildings.

This enables us to create the conditions to work in a healthy environment thus improving productivity.

In our home, it creates a healthy environment positively impacting on our health, with a higher life and sleep quality.

Some of the factors considered by WELL certification are:

  • Air and water quality
  • Nutrition
  • Lighting and thermal comfort
  • Acoustics and materials surrounding us


certificación WELL
Sede de Symantec en California

Therefore, a space designed by taking into account the WELL criteria is one that we think it helps to improve its users’ nutrition, attitude, mood, sleep patterns and performance.


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