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Vilanova i la Geltrú


606,59 m²
401,90 m²


Detached Single-family Dwelling in Vilanova i la Geltrú

This is a detached single-family dwelling in Vilanova I la Geltrú planned and built according to Passivhaus standards. The volume and functional programme are accommodated in a basement, a ground floor and a first floor. It also has an outdoor swimming-pool.

The Plot

The municipal capital is 22m above sea level while this project’s site is 39.25m above sea level. This is a land plot with no existing buildings. It has a rectangular irregular shape, and it is 0.5% inclined to south-north. All the adjacent plots have detached buildings used as dwellings.

The Project

The building consists of a basement, a ground floor and a first floor leading on to and outdoor transitable terrace. Both the walk-in and vehicle access are conducted through the southeastern façade, on the main road, making it accessible on flat ground. The building is 12m away from the main road (exceeding 4m the regulation minimum requirement) in order to create a garden area with an outdoor swimming-pool on the southern side of the plot, which is the best orientation for such purpose.

The Construction

The construction is made up by two visually differentiated volumes which create a supporting and crystal twinning perception between the upper and bottom volumes. The façade is completely aligned with the garden, and the swimming-pool is set back in order to create a porch area. The setback envelope has a natural stone coating. On the opposite side, the first-floor façade is set back to create a terrace over the ground floor. External finishings are mainly made with a white ETICS coating, with some setback areas of the façade having a vertical wooden or stone plank coating.

Functional Programme

The three floors making up this building accommodate different functional programmes. The basement has a parking space which can be accessed through a ramp from the main road. It shares the space with an installations area and a storeroom.
The other side of the basement has a habitable space with a small toilet, a cellar and a multipurpose room. The ground floor accommodates the day zone, with a shared space for the kitchen, the living-room and the dining-room, a study and a toilet. The first ground has three bedrooms, one of them being an ensuite bedroom with a walk-in closet. The other two bedrooms share a bathroom. The height of the dining-room and the living-room is 2.70m, which exceeds the minimum requirement for habitability.

Energy Efficiency

The aim is to achieve minimum energy use and maximum interior comfort for this dwellings project by meeting the Passivhaus standards. This is realised by the solutions integrated in the dwelling’s active and passive systems. The construction decisions adopted for this project ensure maximum airtightness in order to minimise any energy loss through the different components of the building and its connections.

The Plot

The municipal capital is 22m above sea level while this project’s site is 39.25m above sea level. This is a land plot with no existing buildings. It has a rectangular irregular shape, and it is 0.5% inclined to south-north. All the adjacent plots have detached buildings used as dwellings.

The Project

The building consists of a basement, a ground floor and a first floor leading on to and outdoor transitable terrace. Both the walk-in and vehicle access are conducted through the southeastern façade, on the main road, making it accessible on flat ground. The building is 12m away from the main road (exceeding 4m the regulation minimum requirement) in order to create a garden area with an outdoor swimming-pool on the southern side of the plot, which is the best orientation for such purpose.

The Construction

The construction is made up by two visually differentiated volumes which create a supporting and crystal twinning perception between the upper and bottom volumes. The façade is completely aligned with the garden, and the swimming-pool is set back in order to create a porch area. The setback envelope has a natural stone coating. On the opposite side, the first-floor façade is set back to create a terrace over the ground floor. External finishings are mainly made with a white ETICS coating, with some setback areas of the façade having a vertical wooden or stone plank coating.

Functional Programme

The three floors making up this building accommodate different functional programmes. The basement has a parking space which can be accessed through a ramp from the main road. It shares the space with an installations area and a storeroom. The other side of the basement has a habitable space with a small toilet, a cellar and a multipurpose room. The ground floor accommodates the day zone, with a shared space for the kitchen, the living-room and the dining-room, a study and a toilet. The first ground has three bedrooms, one of them being an ensuite bedroom with a walk-in closet. The other two bedrooms share a bathroom. The height of the dining-room and the living-room is 2.70m, which exceeds the minimum requirement for habitability.

Energy Efficiency

The aim is to achieve minimum energy use and maximum interior comfort for this dwellings project by meeting the Passivhaus standards. This is realised by the solutions integrated in the dwelling’s active and passive systems. The construction decisions adopted for this project ensure maximum airtightness in order to minimise any energy loss through the different components of the building and its connections.

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