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Finished work

Sant Antoni de Vilamajor


503,09 m²
212,73 m²
7,77 KWh/m² year

3,89 Kg CO2/m² year
4,83 KWh/m² year
Blower door n50:

0,60 ren/h
Passivhaus Plus

Detached Single-family Dwelling in Sant Antoni de Vilamajor

This is a high energy-efficient detached single-family dwelling in Sant Antoni de Vilamajor developed according the Passivhaus standards (pending Passivhaus Plus certification) in order to achieve a passive house with nearly-zero energy use and great interior comfort.

The Plot

The plot is in Sant Antoni de Vilamajor (Vallès Oriental region), which is 258m above sea level, while the project’s plot is 226m above sea level. It has rectangular shape and is 4.4% inclined rising from southeast to northeast and on the street level. The neighbouring plots have detached buildings.

The Project

This is a detached single-family dwelling plan with a minimum clearance of 2m on the ground floor and 3m on the first floor. The dwelling consists of a ground floor (accesses, parking space and day zone) and a first floor (day zone).

The Construction

The dwelling is developed throughout two floors: a ground and a first floor
The whole façade is conducted with ETICS using expanded polystyrene (EPS) with graphite and a final next-generation continuous coating finish. This is a white reflective, dirt-resistant finish featuring a decontaminating effect based on organic pigments and synthetic resins. The façade is set back highlighting the connection between indoors and outdoors through windows and doors made of wood or PVC with a faux wood finish. The transitable roof deck has a ceramic flooring identical to the outdoor flooring on the ground floor in order to ensure visual continuity.

The Functional Programme

The ground floor accommodates the parking space on the street level, making it possible to do without an access ramp thus optimising the outdoor space available. This level features the day zone consisting of a kitchen, a living room, a bedroom, a walk-in closet, a bathroom, and a corridor making up the vertical connection core for accessing the upper floor.
The kitchen, the living room and the dining room are set up in a completely open space providing a large and diaphanous image. The first floor accommodates the night zone consisting of three bedrooms and a corridor with a stairway connecting to the lower floor.

Energy Efficiency

The SgJaume dwelling is pending Passivhaus Plus certification. In order to meet such certification’s requirements, the Passivhaus Classic certification relevant requirements (airtightness, lack of thermal bridges, significant insulation, heat recovery system and high-performance windows) are met along with a maximum renewable primary (PER) energy demand and photovoltaic generation. Thus, high interior comfort and extremely low energy demand are ensured.

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