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In construction



621,10 m²
202,80 m²
9,19 KWh/m² year

4,82 Kg CO2/m² year
10,29 KWh/m² year
Blower door n50:

Passivhaus Plus
in process

Detached Single-family Dwelling in Sitges

This is a high energy-efficient detached single-family dwelling in Sitges developed according the Passivhaus standards (pending Passivhaus Plus certification) in order to achieve a passive house with nearly-zero energy use and great interior comfort. 

Temperatura y confort térmico
Temperatura y confort térmico

The Plot

The town is 10m above sea level, and the plot is 24m above sea level. The plot is rectangular and 6% inclined to northeast-southeast, located on the street level. The main street accessing the entrance is a 15-metre-wide two-way road, with low traffic volume and low noise level.

The Project

This is a detached single-family dwelling with outdoor swimming-pool in Sitges (in the Garraf region). It is developed throughout two floors corresponding to the ground floor and the first floor, plus a small ancillary construction.

The Construction

A modern Mediterranean style is given to the house structure, highlighting façades with white external finishes and set-back natural stone coated walls. The external envelope entails façades with ETICS (external thermal insulation composite system) for allowing continuity and promoting airtightness.

The Functional Programme

The building consists of a ground floor and a first floor leading on to a transitable roof deck over the dining area and the kitchen. Both walk-in and vehicle accesses are conducted though the upper edge of the plot, resulting in an elevated platform about half a metre higher than the inside of the plot. This secures flat walking access from the street.
The ground floor features two distinctive spaces: one for the day zone (kitchen, living room and dining room) and another one for an ensuite bedroom with walk-in closet, a single bedroom, the laundry room and a bathroom. The first floor accommodates the night zone with a bathroom and two double bedrooms leading on to a terrace. A small ancillary construction with a toilet, storeroom and barbeque area is planned at the back garden.

Energy Efficiency

This SgSord dwelling is pending Passivhaus Plus certification. In order to meet such certification’s requirements, the Passivhaus Classic certification relevant requirements (airtightness, lack of thermal bridges, significant insulation, heat recovery system and high-performance windows) are met along with a maximum renewable primary (PER) energy demand and photovoltaic generation. Thus, high interior comfort and extremely low energy demand are ensured.

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