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CLIENT: Self-development STATUS: In project Location: Sitges year: 2022 Area: 771,89 m² M²: 598,55 m² HEATING DEMAND: – EMISSIONS – COOLING DEMAND: – Blower door n50: – PASSIVHAUS CERTIFICATION: – ENERGY CERTIFICATION: – Passivhaus Detached Single-family Dwelling in Sitges This is a detached single-family dwelling built according Passivhaus standards and located in Sitges. Both the […]


CLIENT: Self-development Status: Finished work Location: Sitges Year: 2020 Area: 1327,15 m² M²: 731,48 m² HEATING DEMAND: 2,03 KWh/m² year EMISSIONS: 3,75 Kg CO2/m² year COOLING DEMAND: 9,24 KWh/m² year Blower door n50: 0.5/h PASSIVHAUS CERTIFICATION: Passivhaus Plus ENERGY CERTIFICATION: A Passivhaus Detached Dwelling in Sitges This is a three-story dwelling in Sitges developed into […]


CLIENT: Self-development STATUS: Finished work LOCATION: Sitges Year: 2020 Area: 1240,16 m² M²: 1088,35 m² HEATING DEMAND: 10,32 KWh/m² year EMISSIONS: 1,68 Kg CO2/m² year COOLING DEMAND: 4,75 KWh/m² year Blower door n50: – PASSIVHAUS CERTIFICATION: – ENERGY CERTIFICATION: A Ca L’Antoniet These are high energy-efficient passive houses: a four single-family semidetached dwellings development in […]


CLIENT: Self-development STATUS: Finished work Location: Sitges Year: 2019 Area: 1124,7 m² M²: 640,40 m² HEATING DEMAND: 11,9 KWh/m² year EMISSIONS: 4,24 Kg CO2/m² year COOLING DEMAND: 3,71 KWh/m² year Blower door n50: – PASSIVHAUS CERTIFICATION: – ENERGY CERTIFICATION: A Passivhaus Dwelling in Terramar Urban Area The design and Passivhaus concepts are the protagonists of […]



CLIENT: Self-development STATUS: Finished work LOCATION: Sector Terramar, Sitges YEAR: 2021 AREA: 891,35 m² M²: 408,97 m² HEATING DEMAND: 13,63 KWh/m² year EMISSIONS: 2,74 Kg CO2/m² year COOLING DEMAND: 9,37 KWh/m2 year Blower door n50: – PASSIVHAUS CERTIFICATION: – ENERGY CERTIFICATION: A Passivhaus Dwelling in Terramar Urban Area The design and Passivhaus concepts are the […]


Client: Self-development STATUS: In the planning phase LOCATION: Montblanc Year: 2022 PLOT SURFACE AREA: 400,06 m² CONSTRUCTED AREA: 302,55 m² HEATING DEMAND: Pending EMISSIONS: Pending COOLING DEMAND: Pending BLOWER DOOR N50: – PASSIVHAUS CERTIFICATION: – ENERGY CERTIFICATION: Pending Detached Single-family Dwelling in Montblanc This is a detached single-family dwelling in Montblanc planned and built according […]


CLIENT: Self-development STATUS: In process LOCATION: Vilanova i la Geltrú Year: 2022 PLOT SURFACE AREA: 606,59 m² CONSTRUCTED AREA: 401,90 m² HEATING DEMAND: Pending EMISSIONS: Pending COOLING DEMAND: Pending BLOWER DOOR N50: – PASSIVHAUS CERTIFICATION: – ENERGY CERTIFICATION: Pending Detached Single-family Dwelling in Vilanova i la Geltrú This is a detached single-family dwelling in Vilanova […]


CLIENT: Self-development STATUS: In project LOCATION: Viladecans Year: 2022 Area: 409,62 m² M² : 309,1 m² HEATING DEMAND: – EMISSIONS: – COOLING DEMAND: – Blower door n50: – PASSIVHAUS CERTIFICATION: Passivhaus Plus in process ENERGY CERTIFICATION: – Passivhaus Plus Detached Single-family Dwelling in Viladecans This is a high energy-efficient detached single-family dwelling in Viladecans (Baix […]

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